Sussex Wildlife Trust has come up with a number of suggestions which we can do as individuals to counteract flooding locally.
The Trust says: We want to help people to influence their environment and to help tackle our water and wetland issues. There is a whole wealth of ways that you can help improve the health of our rivers and wetlands in Sussex.
For ideas, see our Make a Difference pages, or help us with some of the following :-
Use less water, and natural resources such as electricity and material goods which require water to manufacture
Create green infrastructure and Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems(SUDS) in urban areas i.e. driveways
Contact us for advice on how to create, rehabilitate and restore rivers and wetlands.
Work with us to tackle big issues such as climate change, flooding and & invasive species
Help us protect important landscapes such as the South Downs which clean and store vast amounts of our drinking water
Help wetland wildlife from home by downloading our free advice sheet
Record the wildlife you see so we can find out more about what is happening with wetland wildlife across the County.
Register as a volunteer and help us with practical tasks such as tree planting and meadow restoration
Become a Water Wise Gardener, create a pond or use a water butt.
Start a Student Research project – we can give you ideas for research topics.
Get involved in a Local Group or a Local Project. Some local groups and projects are listed below :-
Reducing Flood Risk in Hassocks – A Report by Peter King of Ouse and Adur Rivers Trust. February 2016
Environment Agency flood maps - https://flood-map-for-planning.service.gov.uk/
Make a rain garden - find out how.