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Next Repair Cafe: 9.30-11.30am, 24 February 2024, at Hassocks Village Market


The Repair Café is open on every fourth Saturday of the month (same as the Village Market) except August and December.  We’re at the Age Concern Centre on Dale Avenue. Bring items for repair between 9.30-11.30 am. We try to complete simple repairs that morning by 12.30. More complex tasks may be taken home by our repairers for pick up later. There is no need to book, but if you’re unsure whether we can repair your items please feel free to email, phone, or message us on Facebook. 

In 2023 over 400 items were brought in for repair, double the number in our first year.  Our amazing and talented volunteer repairers managed to repair 75% of the repairs attempted.  That’s a lot of items given life extensions and kept out of the landfill.  Based on the Repair Café Carbon Calculator (using averaged data), these successful repairs will result in emission savings equivalent to more than 9000kg of CO2 – like flying 60,000 miles (that’s 3 times round the world).   Hats off to the team! 

The talented Hassocks Repair Café Team

What can we work on?

The answer is a very wide array of household items. 

  • Mechanical and electrical items -- vacuum cleaners, toasters, kettles, coffee makers, air fryers, radios, CD players, keyboards, lamps, clocks.  

  • We can also PAT test electrical items to be sure they are safe to use. 

  • Wood items -- picture frames, chairs or tables with wobbly legs, knife handles 

  • Garden tools -- replace handles for forks or spades, secateurs, repairing cords for hedge trimmers. lawnmowers 

  • Treasured objects that need to be delicately glued like statues, toys 

  • Textiles -- repair or replace zips, sew up seams, replace buttons, stitch up little holes and tears 

  • Sharpening -- knives, scissors, garden tools 

  • With support from the Spire IT team we can assist with smartphone, laptop and tablet problems, and if you have an old one they can delete your data and donate the item to a charity (find out more at  

There are a few things we don’t work on:  microwaves, bicycles, pressure cookers, child’s car seats.

If you’re not sure about something just get in touch. We may be able to help or refer you to a professional.

A few rules to remember

  • Items must be clean 

  • It must be something you can carry in 

  • If a part is needed you need to purchase it (or refund us if we supply it)  

  • You bring items for repair at your own risk, we can offer no guarantee for repairs 

  • Repairers are entitled to refuse to repair items.

What does it cost?

It’s a free service but we welcome small donations to help cover our costs.   


Join us!
The Re
pair Café Hassocks team are all volunteers.  We’re always keen to recruit new repairers to keep up with rising demand so if you’re good at fixing things, whether electrical items or computers, sharpening tools, sewing zips, or other more specialist items please get in touch. 

Contact details

Our wonderful Hassocks Repair Cafe Team


A short film from Repair Café International Foundation about the Repair Café model and the aim of having one in every community so that anyone can have their broken object fixed, for free.

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