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Steering Group

Coming together from a wide variety of backgrounds and experiences, our Greener Hassocks & Ditchling Steering Group is made up of local residents who are committed to learning about how and  . We serve as an organising hub for the the projects ideas and information offered by the Transition Network and love gathering ideas and energy from our community get togethers and helping to shape the direction and mission of our organisation as it continues to develop. 

The Greener Steering Group is responsible for keeping an overall focus on our group's purpose and aims and ensuring that our activities help advance these. The Steering Group of up to 13 members abides by a constitution. The members are elected at the Annual General Meeting in November and serve for a year at a time. The Group meets regularly (at least 6 times per year).

Two officers are elected at the annual general meetings to carry out specific tasks; 


1. The Membership Secretary is responsible for:

• maintaining a membership list

• keeping (but not necessarily taking) minutes of all steering group meetings

• collecting and circulating any relevant information within the steering group and within the membership of Greener Hassocks & Ditchling.

2. The Treasurer is responsible for:

• providing a regular report on finances to the steering group

• keeping proper accounts that show all monies received and paid out

The Greener Hassocks & Ditchling Steering Group, as elected at the AGM in November 2024: 

Annabel Alder

Bethan Davis

Ben Fitzimmonds

Dr Jo Gilar

I have a PhD in fairy tales and ecological storytelling from the Sussex Centre for Folklore, Fairy Tale and Fantasy. I teach Folk and Storytelling at the University of Chichester, and work with Sharon Blackie to develop teaching for the Hedge School. As a professional storyteller I have performed stories and poems across Europe, and am passionate about telling stories that reconnect us to our places, open us to our others, and re-embed us within our world.

Belinda Gordon

Andy Hansen

Justine Rowan

I have lived in Hassocks since 2008, raising my two children here and working as a full time yoga teacher.

I recently completed a year long market garden traineeship and am especially interested in local food growing and reliance, compost and because I love walking on the Downs, biodiversity and green space protection and enjoyment for our community

Rachel Swabey

Alistair Whitby

I have worked in international development and sustainability for over a decade for a number of charities, most recently the World Future Council. My focus is supporting the spread of effective environmental education and child rights' policies internationally. I live in Hassocks with my wife, 6 year old son and 3 year old daughter and am very keen on promoting local solutions to global challenges such as biodiversity loss and climate change. I like to hike, cycle and grow organic food and also serve on the committee of the Hassocks Allotment Holders Association.

John Willis - Treasurer

Katrina Wilson

I moved to Hassocks in 2012 just before my son was born and I love living in such a friendly village surrounded by beautiful countryside. Being part of Greener Hassocks & Ditchling has given me the chance to meet many new people, to learn new skills, and to feel that I'm contributing to the community. I'm interested in anything that will help to reduce over-consumption and waste, and hope I can help to set up a local sharing library so that we can engage with more of the local community, take positive action to reduce consumption and waste, and equalise access to resources.

Kat Wood - Secretary
I have 2 children and I'm an Art Psychotherapist. I joined Greener H&D in 2023 to contribute to building a connected, resilient community that's well prepared to face environmental and social challenges. One of my hopes is to advocate for regular 'play streets', where children can safely engage in outdoor play while neighbours also come together and grow connections. I'm also interested in ideas such as a local Community Fridge, sewing and mending groups and building a campaign for community-led renewable energy.

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©2024 by Greener Hassocks & Ditchling

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